After a few days in the garbage pail simulation, I figured we'd get a realistic current usage for 24 hours with all the circuitry running. We put a Vernier current logger in line and took readings every 6 minutes. Vernier has a good statistics function so I could get the total consumption over the day (the integral- for all you calculus folks). Pretty much was as predicted ~.84 amps/day. Definitely puts us comfortably in the zone for leaving the station for a month with a 42 amp-hour battery (50 days, in theory). . There's enough room in the box to put two batteries in parallel for a seasonal duty cycle, but we'll hold off on that until this project proves it's mettle over a 30 day field test.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Water buoy-proof of concept phase
Testing it out in a municipal waste bin filled with water- water goes up and down with the rain and some occasional hose input. Decided to put the steel pipe aside and go for schedule 80 PVC held with three pieces of rebar at 120 degrees separation each driven well into the creek bed. I couldn't imagine doing this in anything bigger than very small tributaries with such a design, but that's what we're testing. Looking to get it out in a few days. Have a couple of ideas for securing the battery and for providing a bit of ventilation for the hydrogen gas that would emit.
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